Following up.

I talked a bit last week, about what society has done and how we are self sabotaging viewing riches through fancy cars and homes, but I wanted to talk about something relevant to a lot of people my age. This can apply really to any age. Something that probably effects your money spend without you realizing just what the exact cost is. Or maybe you’re very aware of the cost.


Friends are great, and a very important part of life. They are the one’s who are there when you need them, give you a deep belly laugh and provide your soul fulfillment. It’s all great and fantastic until you look in your wallet, realize your credit card is missing in action, you have leftover McDonald’s wraps on your dresser and see your bank account.

Yep, once again. You somehow have spent over $200 between dinners, drinks, that late night McDonald’s Big Mac and you still have plans for a hangover brunch with the girls in 4 hours . All that in one weekend.

Sometimes, that just can’t fly.

If you’re in a tight money situation, it can be hard to keep up with everyone and their weekly Insta pics, hanging around at your local pub into the early morning. Night’s out although fun, add up, and fast. Unfortunately, fear of missing out (FOMO) is something that seems to be more and more prevalent in people my generation. I’m sure it has always been this way, but now with social media, it seems like this is to the extreme.

If you find yourself in a situation where your friends are going out drinking all the time in University or weekend rituals of girls night outs, it might be time to try a different strategy.

It can be hard to feel like you’re missing out, but sometimes quality over quantity is better. Unless you’re talking about money, because then really quantity is what matters ! (See what I did there?)

If you’re struggling to make ends meet month to month, this might be an area where you can cut back. You don’t have to go telling your friends you are broke, or really anything about your financial situation but you can try and come up with some new things to do. Maybe it’s binge watching that new show on Netflix and sipping on a glass of wine, or just simply doing brunch at home. Going for a walk with a coffee you brought from home or even having people over to bake cookies for whatever holiday is around the corner!

These are simple things that can spare you a few twenty’s and you still get the quality time with your friends. If you can exchange some of these moments, that frankly are more quality time with a friend anyway, over the loud club scene, it’s going to give you and your wallet a sigh of relief. If none of those are really an option and your friends have to go out, then maybe it’s the time to skip out.

It is okay to say no everyone once in a while.

Tell your brain it’s okay to simply say, I can’t afford it. Not this time. 

Do a self pampering routine rather than giving in to going out. You will feel a lot less stressed not only staying in and taking care of yourself (so so important by the way). You’ll also be taking care of yourself by not stressing about your financial situation !

Sure, there might be Insta photos that get a couple hundred likes that you’re not in.

Sure, they may have had a good time.

Your own sanity and happiness is more important than those likes. In all honesty, when you like a photo on Instagram are you even paying that much attention to it? Probably not. The person who posted it is paying way more attention to what’s happening with that photo than anyone else, so take a breath. Your self worth is not based on likes and looking like you’re always having a good time and frankly you will feel better with a higher net worth because you said no for one night. (Sorry I had to. Hehe.)

Not everyone might be into this, but that’s fine. The people who are really your friend, are just going to care about spending time with you.

Give it a try, for one night. You will be surprised, how easy it eventually is to start saying no to some activities that you really weren’t that into anyway. Simply because you can’t afford it. Soon you will find that you really only say yes to doing the things do want to.

I’m not saying don’t ever go out, just go out when it feels good to you. If you’re stressing looking at your bank account wondering how you can afford hangover brunch with the girls and that OSAP loan, I think you know what you need to do.


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