Rich with Fancy Cars?

Which would you rather, look rich or be rich? The obvious answer, be rich, right?

How many times have you passed a lambo or BMW and thought dang that person must be riiiiiichhhh. I want their life.

Or done that with those million dollar homes in gated neighbourhoods ? Maybe spent a little too much time on MLS only to begin questioning how there are houses available for 7 million dollars not 20 minutes from where you work…

Don’t we all.

The thing is, we need to re-evaluate what it actually means to be wealthy. Does wealth mean driving the fanciest cars, having the biggest house in the neighbourhood, constantly updating your wardrobe with the latest trends ? Technically, by definition yes… and this is what is sabotaging us.

What we should be focusing on is the abundant possession of money not things. Not because money is everything, but because money will help you get to where you want to be. It also is what will continue to make the world go round, not your 2018 BMW that’s already depreciated by at least a third of its value. (I know, I’ve made this mistake too – though not a BMW – and I still love my SUV so 20 years, here I come).

Often times, those people that you see driving around in fancy cars or who have the biggest houses aren’t actually rich at all. The one’s that you’re dreaming to be, they are wishing they were too because they are just playing the part. (Although not always, there are some really rich people in the world). Often though, the everyday people driving those fancy cars also have the huge houses too, and of course they need the backyards with the pools, the sixty thousand dollar kitchen reno, and the three hundred dollar Tiffany bowl just to keep up the appearance. How do all of those people make those ends meet? The answer, not all of them do. People get themselves in situations they can’t crawl out of because of the attention we put on things. So people buy, buy, buy. Even when they can’t afford it.

We all want to look rich and that is exactly what is keeping us from actually becoming rich! What a shocker.

It’s an issue within ourselves – we associate wealth with the latest gadgets and trinkets when these types of items (yes that BMW you’re dying to have every time you drive by it) we buy and are knowingly putting ourselves into debt!  Why do we do this!? It is almost impulsive. It is so engraved into our brains that this is what success is when it’s not! It’s proven that material things will not make you happy. Yet we keep doing it. We associate fancy things with success – the accomplishment of an aim or purpose – but ‘owning’ fancy things isn’t success. I say owning with quotations because you don’t own what you haven’t paid for. Sorry, that should be no surprise. And it isn’t happiness. So what is it? It’s a waste of your money, it’s not success. Learn to live below your means, and your life will be much more fulfilling than stressing to make ends meet. That’s another blog though.

To be successful and accomplished, that’s a feeling that lasts.

I encourage you to think about what success means to you. Do you find you’re looking at life wishing to be rich? What are you doing to help get yourself there. Are you just paying to look the part? Why don’t you put action to get yourself there? Success should be something that you put your whole heart into and achieve. Maybe it is that promotion at work, maybe it is successfully running your own business and being your own boss. The thing is, these things are experiences, and experiences make you feel something, and you look back on those achievements and still get those butterflies or happy feels when you think about them.

The feelings you have for that stuff, although at first they make your heart race and you smile widely at it, that all eventually fades, doesn’t it. And then what?

You replace it with the newest version.

Replace with the newest version.

Replace with the newest version.

You get the point.



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